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We worked hard all our lives and it was time for some fun. 

Time to put our lives on cruise, if you’ll please pardon the pun. 

So we booked us some cruises to see the great U.S.,

To be treated just like royalty as American Cruise Lines’ guests. 


It is all we expected, the food is divine. 

The staff is amazing, so supportive, so kind. 

The sights are spectacular, really what dreams are made of,

And the music of the regions elicit a special love. 


The joys we experience, the education we have gained. 

Has shown that our money was not at all spent in vain. 

But that’s not all that’s been grand, let me offer you this pitch. 

It’s the folks that we travel with that make our travels rich. 


To cruise with children, partiers, and young newlyweds, 

You should sail with Disney, Caribbean, or Carnival instead. 

Because American is different, they have a seasoned clientele,

With gray hair and wrinkles and rich histories to tell. 


Some limp and some groan and some mumble when they talk,

Some shake and need assistance as they struggle when they walk. 

These folks were once quite vital and made this country great,

Their lives fueled the prosperity that we all should celebrate. 


Their name tags state a city from where they’re living in,

But that’s not really where they come from, they come from where they’ve been. 

Some have been to hell and back hiding scars from fighting wars,

And some were leaders of industries that opened many doors. 


Some were financiers who led this nation’s banks.

And some were thankless farmers to whom we owe much thanks.

And then there are the teachers who worked hard for little pay,

And those who labored in the sun on summer’s hottest days.


Some were once doctors and scientists, and scholars of great repute,

Some technicians, some mechanics, and writers quite astute.

Housewives and mothers who kept a loving home,

And proud parents of children now raising children of their own.


So, if you want to meet the heroes who made this nation proud,

Then come on board and sit a spell, and talk with them awhile.

You’ll hear the stories of pain and joy

a lifetime brings to pass,

It’s such an honor to meet these folks and help their stories last.


Thank you again for a wonderful time,

Dr. Art E.

Poem written and submitted by current Eagle Society member